Chain of responsibility

Non-conforming building products (NCBPs) are building products that:

  • are not of acceptable quality
  • do not meet Australian standards
  • are not fit for their intended purpose, or
  • rely on information containing false or misleading claims.

The presence of NCBPs in Queensland’s building and construction industry puts lives at risk and has financial impacts on manufacturers and industry participants who adhere to legislated standards.

Previously, the responsibility for recognising a building product may not be safe or fit for its intended purpose usually rested with the installer or building certifier.

  • establishes a chain of responsibility, placing duties on building supply chain participants (including designers, manufacturers, importers, suppliers and installers) to ensure building products used in Queensland are safe and fit for intended purpose
  • expands the compliance and enforcement powers of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC), and the responsible minister.

Now everyone in the building supply chain including designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers of building products  has a responsibility to ensure these products are compliant and suitable for their intended purpose. This includes doing all that it is possible to ensure the product is safe to use and capable of performing to the standard expected when used on a building. Relevant product information must also be passed down the chain.

The new laws enhance the powers of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission so that it can take disciplinary action against anyone in the supply chain for offences relating to NCBPs.

Code of Practice

To further explain the requirements assist industry in meeting their obligations under the amended Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991, a NCBP Code of Practice (PDF, 135.55 KB) has also been prepared.